Genetiske studier viser at Europa har minst fire distinkte befolkningsgrupper

Studies of the regions of Y chromosome that are inherited together (haplogroups), reveal Europa has four population groups, namely R1b-M269, I1-M253, I2-M438 and R1a-M420, pointing to four distinct paternal origins. R1b-M269 group is the most common group that er tilstede i landene Wales, Irland, England, Tyskland, Spania, Nederland, Frankrike og Polen mens I1-M253 has its origins in Northern Europa and is predominantly found today in countries of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and Norway. I2-M438 has its origins in Southern and Eastern and is predominantly found today in Sicily, Celtec, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Switzerland. The R1a-M420 group has its origins in Eurasia and South West Asia around 25000 years ago. Another genetically distinct population group is of Roma people belonging to haplogroup H1a1a-M82, has its origins in the north-western region of the Indian sub-continent 

europeisk continent has seen a number of infightings and migrations. With the result, the continent has been described as turning into a melting pot with populations of various origins and cultures living and thriving together. In order to understand the paternal origins of the populations living in Europa i dag er det nyttig å studere Y kromosom variability and how it contributes to the distribution and development of male genetisk pool. Studies on the polymorphism of the Y chromosome show the presence of four major haplogroups, namely R1b-M269, I1-M253, I2-M438 and R1a-M4201.  

R1b-M269-gruppen er den vanligste gruppen som oppsto for rundt 4000-10000 år siden i den baskiske regionen i Frankrike og Spania2 and is present in ~110 million europeisk men. It is present in countries of Wales, Ireland, England, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, France and Poland and increases in frequency on an east to west gradient, its prevalence in Poland at 22.7%, compared to Wales at 92.3%. Interestingly, this haplotype has been associated with different European colonisations, mainly in several American countries. 

I1-M253 has its origins in Northern Europa around 5070 years ago and is predominantly found today in countries of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway.  

I2-M438 has its origins in Southern and Eastern Europa around 33000 years ago and is predominantly found today in Sicily, Celtec, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Switzerland. 

R1a-M420 has its origins in Eurasia and South West Asia around 25000 years ago, and is currently found in populations extending from Scandinavia and Central Europa to southern Siberia and South Asia. 

En annen europeisk population group with haplogroup on Y chromosome of H1a1a-M823, bestående av 10–12 millioner mennesker, hovedsakelig konsentrert i øst- og sentraleuropeiske regioner som Romania, Bulgaria, Ungarn osv. for tiden, hadde sin opprinnelse i den nordvestlige regionen på det indiske subkontinentet. Disse menneskene er kjent som romer4 mennesker. 

Thus, in spite of migrations, europeisk population comes across as having these genetisk distinct groups based on haplotypes, that have maintained their paternal identity. 



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  1. Lucotte G. Den store Y-kromosomhaplogruppen R1b-M269 i Vest-Europa, delt inn av de tre SNPene S21/U106, S145/L21 og S28/U152, viser et klart mønster av geografisk differensiering. Advances in Anthropology, 5, 22-30 (2015). DOI:
  1. Rai N, Chaubey G, Tamang R, et al. Fylogeografien til Y-kromosom-haplogruppen H1a1a-M82 avslører den sannsynlige indiske opprinnelsen til de europeiske romanipopulasjonene. PLoS ONE 7(11): e48477 (2012). GJØR JEG: 
  1. Jayaraman K S. European Romanis kom fra nordvest-India. Nature India (2012). GJØR JEG: 


Rajeev Soni
Rajeev Soni
Dr. Rajeev Soni (ORCID ID : 0000-0001-7126-5864) har en Ph.D. i bioteknologi fra University of Cambridge, Storbritannia og har 25 års erfaring med å jobbe over hele verden i ulike institutter og multinasjonale selskaper som The Scripps Research Institute, Novartis, Novozymes, Ranbaxy, Biocon, Biomerieux og som hovedetterforsker ved US Naval Research Lab innen medikamentoppdagelse, molekylær diagnostikk, proteinuttrykk, biologisk produksjon og forretningsutvikling.

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